There I go again with my AWESOME post titles. Really, we don't need to dwell on this.
We lived out the remainder of our December in California with my family. It was the first time that we were able to spend time with my brother and his wife, unless you count their wedding. She's a gem and we are thankful for what she brings to our family.
Our trip in a summary: weather was lovely, we did not starve, 2day colds, lots of family time, outdoor time, and naps. Superb.
Some of the things I miss: Mountain view, fields of green, sunsets, and other little things. |
Dad built a smoker. Ribs and tri-tip. YUM. |
Desert day |
I had never seen tarantulas in the wild before! I also had never climbed up to a mine. |
Eden was in animal heaven, my nephew is a poser(albeit a cute one) and Dennis didn't have to go through any work withdrawals. |
Den turned 40! All he wanted was good food, and a nap. check and check. |
Christmas day: family, walks, playing with gifts (outside!). Eden made the orange scarf for Jennifer. She worked really hard to learn how to crochet and this was what she wanted to make and who she wanted to make it for. Very proud of her. |
Rows by row, left to right: playing on Grandma Linda's stairs, the dogs love Dennis, cousin bath time(buddies), grass kayaking(it's a thing), swinging from trees, badminton, Grandma!, picking fruit, the cats love Dennis/fire and wine, InN'Out, twilight bike rides, more badminton, climbing trees, breakfast with old dear ones, girls coffee date, lights, Grandma!, wheel barrow rides, family came to visit and play games and yell (the best!), drive by of the old house (lived in from age3-11) |