Thursday, May 16, 2013

#4 is 3

My youngest is 3! Eeeek! A simple celebration was had with the family that lives close. He sang a long , loved that the cake was chocolate and said thank you for his presents. That's my boy.

My sweet Beck., you are such a joy to us! I love how you put on a serious face when you are being snuggled at bedtime or saying "I love you". You love to be silly and still suck on your two middle fingers. You love your blankets and trucks and big brothers and sister. You prefer to be outside than in and the more dirty the better.   You are a joy among joys. Happy Birthday.


  1. he is such a dear!!! that cake looks like total scrumptiousness Mel!!! love the 3 tier! wow! one for each yr...was that intentional? oh the deep symbolism you weave throughout your parties! love you Beck! xo

    1. um....ya...sure I totally meant to do that! ;)
